International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

from May 07, 1997
Last Document: July 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 3707

July 18, 2019

  • Article 6: What is it and why is it important?

  • July 30, 2021

  • ICC Court to build LGBTQIA network

  • July 24, 2019

  • ICC convenes business leaders to take meaningful action at SDG Action Labs

  • July 04, 2018

  • ICC responds to draft US tariff act

  • September 21, 2017

  • Celebrate International Day of Peace: Nominate a candidate for the Oslo Business for Peace Award

  • February 07, 2019

  • 4 Things to know about ICC Mediation Week

  • January 17, 2001

  • IMB calls for clamp-down on fake maritime documents

  • March 15, 2013

  • ICC/FIDIC to hold conference on international construction dispute resolution

  • May 28, 2013

  • ICC Court inaugurates counsel guild

  • January 23, 2017

  • Legal experts from 12 Arab States converge at ICC Arab Arbitration Group

  • February 17, 2004

  • World economic confidence at 10 year high, poll finds

  • January 18, 2007

  • CIB applauds counterfeit ring arrests

  • November 17, 2010

  • WCF Chair warrants chamber support for R20 initiative

  • June 29, 2004

  • Maritime security: separating fact from hype

  • January 25, 2019

  • ICC welcomes breakthrough in WTO e-commerce talks

  • August 08, 2010

  • ICC Environment and Energy Commission announces new Vice-Chair

  • July 28, 2023

  • Tax Policy Recommendations delivered to 1st LATAM and Caribbean Ministerial Summit

  • June 01, 2010

  • ICC Taxation Commission announces new Chair

  • June 21, 2017

  • 3 ways to reduce climate change impact on oceans

  • October 24, 2018

  • Guest blog: Digital data flows: Writing new rules for 21st century trade

  • November 19, 2019

  • Digital milestone reached as first ever electronic ATA Carnet is processed

  • July 03, 2018

  • 3 ways digitalisation is shaping the future of taxation

  • January 19, 2000

  • Growth is good for the poor

  • February 26, 2013

  • ICC seeks business input to G20 agenda

  • June 03, 2013

  • US-German Conference examines ADR alternatives to litigation and arbitration for transatlantic commercial disputes

  • March 12, 2017

  • Kazakhstan to join ATA Carnet System

  • April 01, 2005

  • Traders warned about non-existent ICC instruments quoted on Internet

  • July 20, 2007

  • New edition of ISBP is published

  • September 16, 2010

  • Incoterms® 2010: Revised trade rules for an inter-connected world

  • March 13, 2021

  • ICC congratulates Mathias Cormann on his appointment as OECD Secretary-General

  • January 05, 2017

  • The Incoterms® rules 2010

  • July 28, 2021

  • ICC and Finastra bring trade funding marketplace pilot to Ecuador

  • September 15, 2023

  • ICC reaches arbitration milestone with case 28,000

  • June 07, 2017

  • ICC-FIDIC to focus on dispute resolution, construction contract claims at upcoming conference

  • June 13, 2019

  • Global Mobility and the Economic Integration of Migrants: The Role of Chambers of Commerce

  • January 16, 2019

  • IMB Piracy Report 2018: Attacks multiply in the Gulf of Guinea

  • March 20, 2019

  • ICC celebrates 2019 Business for Peace Honourees

  • April 14, 2020

  • Piracy and armed robbery a threat to ships’ crews, warns IMB

  • March 15, 2021

  • 6 highlights from the 2021 ICC MENA Conference on International Arbitration

  • April 08, 2013

  • ICC publishes guide to letter of credit law in China

  • September 20, 2013

  • Leading economists address global challenges at ICC forum

  • April 30, 2017

  • Last call for submissions to the World Chambers Competition

  • March 25, 2020

  • ICC on CNN: G20 must show leadership on virus that knows no borders

  • December 19, 2019

  • Researcher Tobias Lutzi wins 2019 ICC Institute Prize

  • April 19, 2010

  • ICC postpones banking meeting in Beijing

  • November 23, 2020

  • How can ICC AOKpass reopen cross border travel and trade in the age of COVID-19?

  • September 06, 2019

  • A Day in the Life of the Incoterms® Rules with ICC Secretary General Chris Southworth

  • November 19, 2009

  • Business leaders warn against demise of Internet Governance Forum

  • June 29, 2023

  • eURC: ICC Uniform Rules for Collections – Supplement for Electronic Presentation Version 1.1

  • November 22, 2016

  • Greater collaboration key to enhance resource efficiency and economic growth