Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 93332

  • Notice for the attention of certain persons and entities subject to the restrictive measures provided for in Council Decision 2014/145/CFSP and Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine 2023/C 217/04

  • Summary of the Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor on the Proposal for a Regulation laying down Union procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human use and establishing rules governing the European Medicines Agency (The full text of this Opinion can be found in English, French and German on the EDPS website

  • Summary of the Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor on the Proposal for a Regulation on standard essential patents and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 (The full text of this Opinion can be found in English, French and German on the EDPS website

  • Summary of the Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor on the Proposals for Regulations on supplementary protection certificates for plant protection products (The full text of this Opinion can be found in English, French and German on the EDPS website

  • European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • Agency for Support for BEREC – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • Community Plant Variety Office — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Education and Culture Executive Agency — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Union Aviation Safety Agency — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Banking Authority – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Chemicals Agency – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Defence Agency – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Environment Agency – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Fisheries Control Agency – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Food Safety Authority – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Institute for Gender Equality – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Institute of Innovation and Technology — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Labour Authority — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Medicines Agency — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Maritime Safety Agency – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Union Agency for Cybersecurity — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Public Prosecutor’s Office — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Union Agency for Railways — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Research Council Executive Agency — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Securities and Markets Authority — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Training Foundation — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Union Agency for Asylum — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Union Intellectual Property Office – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Union Agency for the Space Programme – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • Fusion for Energy Joint Undertaking — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights – Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022

  • European Health and Digital Executive Agency — Publication of the final accounts for the financial year 2022