Current issues on human rights

Carlos Fernández Liesa
Mª del Carmen Barranco Avilés
Dykinson, 2019
ISBN 978-84-1324-5959

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 26

1 de Enero de 2019

  • Current issues on human rights

  • Scientific aspects of the udhr as a cultural milestone

  • Human rights in history: civic rights and the 'rights of man', the predecessors of human rights

  • Constitutional impunity: how U.S. courts are breaking the promise of universal human rights, a comparative analysis

  • Research, education and promotion of human rights universality: responsibility of academicians

  • Trustworthy artificial intelligence and human rights

  • The right to freedom of opinion and expression in the universal declaration of human rights - a contemporary perspective

  • How can the internet change human rights on online hate speech regulations?

  • Glorification of terrorist acts and protection of freedom of expression in spain: last developments

  • Social rights in europe and free platform work

  • The effectiveness of budget public hearings in the definition of priorities in public policies for the concretization of social rights

  • Do the same-sex couples have the right to marry under the rules of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution of Republic of Poland from 1997?

  • Human rights behind bars. Paying a debt that keeps on growing

  • The ineffectiveness of the Constitutional Amendment Number 81/2014 and the deconstruction of the foundations of contemporary slavery labor in Brazil

  • Limitation of political rights. The case of the first democratic election in Portugal (1975)

  • Nationalism, pluralism and minorities in Spain: the case of Catalonia

  • Human rights, self-determination of peoples and secession

  • Catalonia: is the holding of a referendum to decide on the secession of a territory in accordance with international law? The effects of the recognition of states

  • Ethnical identity and recognition between colonial and post-colonial rights

  • The (possible) role of ombuds in implementation of sustainable development goals 2030: case of Russia in the biopolitical field of gender equity

  • Climate change and sustainable development: facing present challenges and working towards goals and the future

  • Unaccompanied migrant minors: vulnerable and voiceless

  • The (un)protection of internally displaced persons under the global compact on refugees

  • The global compact for migration agreement and the principle of universality of human rights: the gender perspective

  • The securitization of migration in United States. Human rights violations of irregular immigrants

  • CV of participants