European Affairs

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

desde Septiembre 2006
Último Número: Septiembre 2008

The European Institute
ISSN 1527-8158

This publication is no longer edited.

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 110

22 de Marzo de 2007

  • EU is defending the food chain against bio attack.

  • Visa waivers: a damaging U.S.-EU imbroglio.

  • Biodefense: U.S. vision of broader cooperation.

  • 22 de Junio de 2007

  • Ideological convergence: a new way.

  • EU summit sets blueprint for improved decision-making.

  • U.S. attitudes evolve about EU security ambitions.

  • Tony Blair's vision for Europe: economic modernization can save our societies.

  • U.S. and EU must not get distracted from agenda: a talk with European Affairs on June 25, 2007 (excerpts).

  • Regulatory approaches have to fit societal preferences.

  • Pharmaceuticals' pricing: U.S. and European strategies.

  • Food labeling: lessons learned.

  • U.S. intelligence tackles climate change.

  • Outflanking Russia's energy grip on Europe.

  • Foto: Modernity in Central Europe, 1918-1945.

  • A tale of two Vaclavs.

  • Europe is not in zero-sum game with NATO.

  • The French approach to a European defense industrial base.

  • New developments in defense procurement policies in Europe.

  • "Fortress Europe" overtones heard.

  • U.S. industry also chafes at export restrictions.

  • Eurozone: a new global context favors long-term growth.

  • The Foundation: A Great American Secret.

  • Virtual Politics: Faking Democracy in the Post-Soviet World.

  • Making History: The State of the European Union (Vol. 8).

  • Leni: The Life and Work of Leni Riefenstahl.

  • L'Ensauvagement.

  • The Transatlantic Economy: An Annual Survey of Jobs, Trade and Investment between the United States and Europe.

  • On The Wealth of Nations.

  • Le Coq et la Perle.

  • Betrayal: France, the Arabs and the Jews.

  • Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower.

  • Europe's Most Influential Love-Hate Relationship.

  • Permanently interventionist America?

  • A constructive take on the U.S.-French "culture wars".

  • Dispelling myths about the Spanish Civil War.

  • European leaders should stop scapegoating EU.

  • 1 de Enero de 2008

  • Transatlantic solidarity starts at home.

  • Transatlantic convergence passenger data questions.

  • Cyber War I: Estonia attacked from Russia.

  • NATO caveats can be made to work better for the alliance.

  • Rome: Italy's malaise: not so Dolce Vita.

  • Faraway Afghanistan brings home tensions among allies.

  • The declining dollar--symptom and symbol of U.S. financial negligence.

  • Sense and nonsense about European security policy.

  • Madrid: new political mold for old (Catholic) Spain.

  • "Shock therapy" worked for the economies of the post-communist countries.

  • The real questions about sovereign wealth funds: a roundtable discussion.

  • Berlin: corruption index: Europe comparatively clean.

  • A flat playing field can spread Western innovation.

  • London: some Sharia law in Britain is "unavoidable," says Anglican Church head.