European Affairs

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

desde Septiembre 2006
Último Número: Septiembre 2008

The European Institute
ISSN 1527-8158

This publication is no longer edited.

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 110

1 de Enero de 2008

  • Turkey's islamic party sees advantage in EU bid.

  • New York: record U.S. jail numbers dwarf rates in Europe.

  • Misreading Berlin ... in the lead into the Iraq war.

  • Kosovo: it IS a real geopolitical precedent.

  • Washington: U.S. government cancels clean-coal experiment.

  • Poland's new government seeks solidarity, not provocation.

  • Washington: Web startups pose risk to job numbers on both sides of Atlantic.

  • Saving the Arctic, now.

  • Washington: global warming not an issue in U.S. election campaign.

  • An emergency coordination center is needed for a new frontier.

  • Four "poverty traps" are part of conundrum for foreign aid.

  • A talk with Richard Descoings, head of Sciences Po in Paris: Europe is losing out in global competition among universities.

  • Washington: city and symbol--or neither?

  • Fugitive Serbian war criminals and the West.

  • Politically incorrect tales of the EU bureaucracy.

  • New Delhi: EU-India trade talks: "hell to pay" for U.S. companies?

  • Writer Ryszard Kapuscinski: an optimist in the heart of darkness.

  • 22 de Septiembre de 2006

  • A forward-looking German presidency.

  • Immigration.

  • Transatlantic contradictions on immigration.

  • Europe: immigration unwanted.

  • Hidden costs and strains for Poland.

  • Emigration is good news for Poland.

  • Britain's problems are worsened by massive immigration.

  • Poles help bring prosperity to Britain.

  • Economy and trade.

  • Is it time for TAFTA? Or what? A conversation with Robert Zoellick.

  • Nuclear rising on both sides of the Atlantic.

  • Berlin's EU presidency: no rabbits in German hat.

  • European diplomacy.

  • On Iran, Europeans decide to work in concert.

  • This time Europe got its act together.

  • Politics in Europe.

  • What kind of foreign policy under "Prime Minister Gordon Brown"?

  • "New Conservative" Cameron: rooted in the Atlantic alliance.

  • French-U.S. relations: Sarkozy has a fresh take.

  • Canada: soft power won't do it in Afghanistan--or Darfur.

  • Erratum.

  • A German who bridged the Atlantic: Fritz Stern.

  • Kofi Annan as tragic hero: his UN legacy.

  • Political correctness, French style.

  • 22 de Septiembre de 2008

  • Letter from the publisher: a call to be listened to.

  • The end of happy endings in the post-cold war.

  • Georgia: breakdown of vision the west had for a New Europe.

  • Russia and the EU: the difficult path to a new partnership.

  • The end of history?--certainly not through Asia's eyes.

  • SWF's are making political waves in the U.S. and EU.

  • Europe must present a single market to SWF's.

  • Norway's wealth fund answers to voters.

  • U.S. flap on the aerial tanker could be self-defeating.