International Free and Open Source Software Law Review

from July 2009
Last Number: January 2019

Editorial Committee of IFOSSLR
ISSN 1877-6922

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 77

June 01, 2010

  • Licence Profile: BSD

  • Copyright in Open Source Software -Understanding the Boundaries

  • GNU GPL 2.0 and 3.0: obligations to include licence text, and provide source code

  • Oriented Specification System

  • Butterworths e-commerce and IT Law Handbook, 5th Edition

  • Lawyers in the Bazaar: Challenges and Opportunities for Open Source Legal Communities

  • Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars

  • Package Review as a Part of Free and Open Source Software Compliance

  • Italian Constitutional Court gives way to Free Software friendly laws

  • December 01, 2009

  • Passport Without A Visa: Open Source Software Licensing and Trademarks

  • Balancing free with IP: if open source solutions become de facto standards, could competition law start to bite?

  • Law and the Internet

  • A look at EDU 4 v. AFPA, also known as the Paris GPL case

  • Towards Free/Libre Open Source Software (“FLOSS”) Governance in the Organisation

  • Patents and their effect on Standards: Open video codecs for HTML5

  • Back to the future: Hinton v Donaldson, Wood and Meurose (Court of Session, Scotland, 28th July, 1773)

  • Five Reasons To Care About Mobile Cloud Computing

  • Packaging Open Source

  • Open Source Policies and Processes For In-Bound Software

  • July 01, 2009

  • Open Source Technology and Policy (Deek & McHugh)

  • Jacobsen v Katzer and Kamind Associates – an English legal perspective

  • Bad facts make good law: The Jacobsen case and Open Source

  • The Fiduciary Licence Agreement: appointing legal guardians for Free Software projects

  • Collaboration among counsel

  • Collaborative approach: Peer-to-Patent and the Open Source movement

  • Introducing the Risk Grid

  • Tech Watch

  • Foreword and statement of purpose: an introduction to IFOSS L. Rev.

  • September 01, 2011

  • Editorial

  • Interoperability and open standards: the key to a real openness

  • Compatability Of The Licensing Of Embedded Patents With Open Source Licensing Terms

  • Patentable Subject Matter: The View from Europe

  • Open source licensing notices in Web applications

  • Groklaw - Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going

  • Free and Open Source Software Compliance: An Operational Perspective

  • March 01, 2013

  • Editorial

  • Copyleft, -right and the case law on APIs on both sides of the Atlantic

  • Lisping Copyleft: A Close Reading of the Lisp LGPL

  • The Rise and Evolution of the Open Source Software Foundation

  • FOSS in the Italian public administration: fundamental law principles

  • March 01, 2012

  • Editorial

  • Open Licensing And Databases

  • The GPL 'Liberty or Death!' Clause: An Israeli Case Study

  • The Gift that Keeps on Giving - Distribution and Copyleft in Open Source Software License

  • Towards a Functional Licence for Open Hardware

  • Initial thoughts on Mayo v. Prometheus and software patents

  • Review of 'The IFOSS Law Book

  • The CERN Open Hardware Licence

  • December 01, 2013

  • Editorial

  • Red Flag Way: Exploring copyright protection, TRIPS and Open Source software licensing in the People's Republic of China